January 29, 2021

BlinkLab Patents Filed by Princeton University

Princeton University’s BlinkLab technology, now patented, transforms neurobehavioral testing with a smartphone-based app for eyeblink conditioning. This breakthrough simplifies learning and memory research, eliminating the need for costly equipment.

Henk-Jan Boele, MD PhD
CEO - Co-founder

The BlinkLab technology is now protected by several patents.

Researchers in the Neuroscience Department at Princeton University have created a smartphone-based application that enables performing neurobehavioral tests, including but not limited to eyeblink conditioning. Eyeblink conditioning is a form of Pavlovian conditioning and is widely used in neuroscience to study mechanisms underlying learning and memory formation. Currently, eyeblink conditioning in humans requires expensive and dedicated hardware and software in a permanent environment. Moreover, data acquisition and analysis require quite extensive programming skills, and performing high-throughput parallel experiments requires a well-organized and clever database management system.

Read more on the Princeton University website:


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