by Peter Boele
by Peter Boele
This past week, all the way from Amsterdam, Henk-Jan Boele, CEO and founder of BlinkLab stayed up till after midnight to give a fantastic virtual presentation about what the company is doing and where it’s headed during Princeton Entrepreneurship Council‘s Conference.
BlinkLab made some tsunami sized waves in the Princeton startup scene by winning a poll for favorite and most innovative startup out of the other 5 companies, by more than a 1/3 of all the votes!
Keep your eyes peeled and follow us for more news and up to date information on the happenings of BlinkLab!
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Highlights The Monash Autism & ADHD Genetics and Neurodevelopment (MAGNET) Project is an ongoing large cohort study aiming to enrol 1,000 families with children diagnosed with autism, ADHD, or children with both autism and ADHD. MAGNET is utilising a novel family-based trial design where children with a diagnosis of autism and/or ADHD, their siblings and […]